Feminism & High Mortality Rates

The relationship between high US mortality rates and single-motherhood (both from divorce and illegitimacy).

For each 1,000 parents who divorce, 8.2 fathers, 1.9 mothers, and 1.5 children will die prematurely.

That is right, according to Dr. David Larson of the National Institute of Healthcare Research, and supported by statistics as far back as 1955 in "Mortality and Marital Status," Public Health Reports, March 1955, and "Demography", Vol 31, No.3, August, 1994, Herbert L. Smith, and "Demography", Vol. 33, No 3, August, 1996, Lee A. Lillard, conservatively, for each 1,000 parents who divorce, 8.2 fathers, 1.9 mothers, and 1.5 children will die prematurely. For each 1,000 mothers who never marry, 1.3 mothers will die prematurely. If the median age of the divorced populationis 35 years old, and if their remaining life expectancy is 40 years, then 1,000 divorces leads to 11.6 premature deaths and eliminates 464 years of life from the economy, and 1,000 births to mothers who never marry leads to 1.3 premature deaths and eliminates 42 years of life from the economy.

There are an estimated 21.2 million divorced fathers, 21.2 million divorced fathers, 24 million children in broken homes, and 17.2 million never-married mothers, which caused the premature deaths of 173,840 divorced fathers, 40,280 divorced mothers, 31,200 children in fatherless homes, and 22,386 never-married mothers, for a total of 268,186 premature deaths and 10,727,440 manyears. This additional loss of life over the last 26 years reduced the US population by almost 2%. It increases the current US death rate by 11.5%. It is 6 times as many lives as are lost to auto accidents each year, 12 times as many as are lost to murder, 8 times as many as suicide takes, 44 times as many as firearm accidents take, 892 times as many as airline accidents take, and 3,388 times as many as the number of police killed in the line of duty. It is almost as big a killer as cancer, heart disease, or tobacco smoking. It is one of the primary factors in the recent increase in the RATES of each of these causes of death. Reducing the number of SMHs, for example, has the potential to reduce the murder rate by a factor of 3, back to its level of the 1960s.

The elimination of feminism, and the reduction of the mortality rates of single-parents to a level equivalent to that of married parents, would increase the life expectancy of males in the US by 16.2%, from 72 years to 83 years, and of females by 6.7%, from 78 years to 83 years. This has the potential to reduce violent crime by 85%, murder and suicide rates by 66%, divorce by 95%, abortions by 1.6 million, and would save 11.6 million lives and 41.6 million babies over the next 26 years. The US population in the year 2025, rather than being the projected 363 million, would be 14.7% greater, or 416 million, a population density of 114.5 per square mile--one fifth of what Germany's is today, one eighth of Japan's, one tenth that of Korea's, and one half that of China's.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at fathersmanifesto@usa.net