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The Net Worth Of American Households

$7,788 billion in the Hole


The month immediately after President Clinton declared that we had that $39 billion surplus, our Public Debt jumped $41 billion http://www.dailyrepublican.com/nationaldebt.html.  Since that "surplus" has been broadcast nationwide as "good news", our Personal Savings RATE went NEGATIVE http://www.bea.doc.gov/bea/dn/pitbl.htm for the first time since the Great Depression, and has been running at a NEGATIVE 0.6% of Personal Income ever since.
The total amount of tax money transferred from men to women through the EIC and Child Tax Credit is already approaching half a trillion dollars http://fathers.ourfamily.com/menpy115.htm and will be another $270 billion over the next 5 years http://fm.education.webjump.com/supportworkingfamilies.pdf.   All of this is not coming from "wealthy households" http://fathers.ourfamily.com/debt.htm--it is coming from households which already collectively have more than $7 trillion in negative net worth.

Census Bureau data regarding the median values of holdings for asset owners" is not available for years later than 1993.  Between 1984 and 1993 there was a dramatic decrease in values of assets like "interest earning assets" (down 42%), "checking accounts" (down 25%), and homes (down 21%).  This estimate is therefore too high because it does not take into account the probable decrease between 1993 and 1999.  The latest year for which US Statistical Abstract data for things like "mortgage debt" and "consumer credit" is available is 1997.  Projecting a total increase of $738 in this debt between 1997 and 1999 is probably too low, but this figure is used to be conservative.

The Census Bureau http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/wealth/wlth93a.html survey reports that the median per household interest earning asset for each of 71 million households was $2,999 in 1993.   But when the Public Debt per 71 million households was subtrtacted, they had a NEGATIVE worth of $58,196 per household.
The Census Bureau also notes that 8.6 million American households had a median of $12,998 in market funds, securities, and bonds.  But when the $241 billion in consumer credit was subtracted from it, they had a NEGATIVE of $14,990 per household. US Statistical Abstract http://fm.education.webjump.com/sasec16.pdf.
About the only asset in the average American household  in 1993 with any equity is their auto, which had a median value of $5,140 for each of the 85.7 million households who had vehicles.  When the $838 billion in Automobile Consumer Credit was subtracted, though, they had an average equity of only $1,779 each.  The only problem with believing that there was any equity in the average household is the $3,448 billion in mortgage debt  which, when subtracted from the $46,669 median value of homes owned by occupants, exceeded the total value of homes by $2,754 each.
Owning their own businesses gave them an apparent
average of $62,685 in assets, but when $677 billion in commercial mortgates were subtracted, their negative equity was $55,685 each.  Anyone who has the mistaken impression that people who owned stocks and mutual funds were "creating wealth" or have "wealth" in the bank in 1993 must understand that THEY DIDN'T!  When the Revolving Consumer Debt of $310 billion was subtracted, each of their households was another $7,797 in the hole.  These debts increased by $2,645 billion between 1993 and 1997, a time during which real estate values nationwide declined enough to assume that this decrease in equity wiped out any other equity gains, adding another $26,450 of debt per household.

Even after the median $499 in each checking account, the $775 in US Savings Bonds, the $12,985 in IRA/Keogh accounts, the $19,415 in "other real estate" like farms, and the $21,001 in "other financial institutions" are added in, American households had a NEGATIVE net worth each of $44,050 in 1993, $70,500 in 1997, and $77,880 in 1999.
This President is not "supporting working families".  He is not even taking "wealth" from the men who earned it and handing it over to single-mother households who spend it to create geometrically expanding social pathologies.  He is putting families which are already an average of $77,880 in debt, into even deeper debt, and mortgaging our children's futures to the hilt in the process.

Asset Median Per Household Liability Median Per Household Net Per Household Net $billions
Interest earning assets at financial institutions in 71.1 million households $2,999 Public Debt per  71.1 million households $61,195 -$58,196 -$4,138
Market funds, securities, bonds, other interest-earning assets in 8.6 million households $12,998 Other consumer debt per 8.6 million households $27,988 -$14,990 -$129
Stocks, mutual funds per 21 million households $6,960 Revolving consumer debt per 21 million households $14,757 -$7,797 -$164
Own home in 64.3 million households $46,669 1-4 family home mortgage debt per 64.3 million households $49,425 -$2,754 -$177
Rental property in 8.4 million households $29,300 5 or more units mortgage debt per 8.4 million households $32,024 -$2,724 -$23
Business or profession per 10.8 million households $7,000 Commercial mortgages per 10.8 million households $62,685 -$55,685 -$601
Vehicles per 85.7 million households $5,140 Automobile consumer credit per 85.7 million households $3,361 +$1,779 +$152
Checking accounts per 45.9 million households $499       +$23
US Savings Bonds per 18.5 million households $775       +$143
IRA/Keogh accounts per 23.1 million households $12,985       +$300
Other real estate per 9.3 million households $19,415 Farm mortgages per 9.3 million households $8,710 $10,705 +$100
Other financial institutions per 5.2 million households $21,001       +$109
Total 1993 per 100 million households       -$44,050 -$4,405
TOTAL 1997       -$70,500 -$7,050
GRAND TOTAL 1999       -$77,880 -$7,788