Eliminating fatherlessness

US Incomes and the US Share of the World Auto Market Plunge Two Thirds Women Need Families, Not "Equal Protection" Divorce Rate Doubles, Now World' Highest 
Proportion of Marriageable Men Actually Married Plunges 25% Birth Rate Plunges 37.5%
US One of Only Five Nations Worldwide To Execute Juveniles Feminists Openly Despise Fatherhood Congress Reveals That We Executed  27 Innocent Citizens
Illegitimacy Rate Quintuples

Since "Equal Protection" For Women 
Justice Douglas wrote:  "I suppose that, in 1920, when the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified giving women the right to vote, it was assumed by most constitutional experts that there was no relief by way of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. In Minor v. Happersett, 21Wall. 162, the Court held in the 1874 Term that a State could constitutionally restrict the franchise to men. While the Fourteenth Amendment was relied upon, the thrust of the opinion was directed at the Privileges and Immunities Clause with a subsidiary reference to the Due Process Clause. It was much later, indeed not until the 1961 Term -- nearly a century after the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted -- that discrimination against voters on grounds other than race was struck down."


40% of Nations' Children Are Without Biological Fathers
False Child Abuse Allegations Up 8 Fold $285 Billion/Year False Child Abuse Industry Created False Sex Abuse Allegations Up 28 Fold
1.6 Million Abortions Per Year FBI Study Reveals One Third of Convicted Rapists Don't Match DNA Evidence Prayer In School Dropped 50% of Rape Allegations Are Found to Be False
Violent Crime up 560% Murder Rate Triples Political Corruption Reaches All-Time High
Incarceration Rate Quadruples, Now World's Highest  Affirmative Action Imposed Against Public Will SAT Scores Plunge 98 Points, Leaving US Education in 28th Place of 31 Nations